Welcome to the Cyberswamp!

embrace the slime...

Thank you for joining us. The impetus of this group is to investigate and decipher the narratives of domination and control which surround high technological culture, and explore the construction of social space, identity and sexuality in cyberspace.

The project which we pursue is one of debunking the masculinist myths which might alienate women from technological devices and their cultural products. We believe that women who hijack the tools of domination and control introduce a rupture into a highly systematised culture by infecting the machines with radical thought, diverting them from their inherent purpose of linear topdown mastery.

Your work here will require surfing, hacking, and jacking in. Your main tools will be the archive, the engine, and your wits. For your first task, find the password to the Old Boys' Network. The username is "87. cyberfeminism is not".